Financial Information

The Parish Council has a duty to publish information to comply with the Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities 2015.  Every item of expenditure incurred and income received by the Parish Council is listed within the minutes of the monthly meetings and summarised within the annual accounts. 

Each month the Council reviews income and expenditure to date and the Clerk produces a quarterly budget monitoring report. The budget is set annually usually in November.

The Annual Returns and the Accounting Statement – including the Annual Governance Statement are attached here.  

Any person interested has the right to inspect the accounting records for the current financial year  – please contact the Parish Clerk to arrange access.

Annual Accounts 2021 to 2022

Annual Accounts 2022 to 2023

Annual Accounts 2023 to 2024

Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2021-2022

Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2022-2023

Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2023-2024

AGAR Final External Certificate 2022-2023

AGAR Notice of Conclusion of Audit

Bank Reconciliation as at 31 March 2022

Bank Reconciliation as at 31 March 2023

Bank Reconciliation as at 31 March 2024

Budget 2022-2023

Budget 2023-2024

Budget 2024-25

Budgetary Monitoring Qtr Reports 2022-23

Budgetary Monitoring Qtr Reports 2023-24

Employers Liability Insurance

Exercise of Public Rights 2021-2022  

Exercise of Public Rights 2022-2023

Exercise of Public Rights 2023-2024

Expenditure above £100 2021-2022

Expenditure above £100 2022-2023

Expenditure above £100 2023-2024

Internal Audit Report 2020-2021

Internal Audit Report 2021-2022

Internal Audit Report 2022-2023

In the last financial year 2023-2024, the Parish Council received Neighbourhood Funds from Community Infrastructure Levy payments from development in the village. The Parish Council must publish an annual report by 31st December summarising any CIL expenditure during the financial year:


CIL Report 2021-2022

CIL Report 2022-2023

CIL Report 2023-2024